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Prevention & MedTech

The East Netherlands has everything needed to develop medical technology so that care becomes better, faster and less labour-intensive. There is a large number of innovative companies in health, food and technology. And it is precisely at the intersection of these three that opportunities and ideas lie.

New methods of prevention, healthy nutrition and development, and application of medical technology make the East Netherlands a growth area for research, innovation and training of a new generation of professionals. In this area, the geographical location ensures close business and scientific ties with the neighbouring German region.

Through the connection with the food cluster, there is great potential in East Netherlands to invest in prevention and lifestyle. This combination is unique for the Netherlands and Europe.

The East Netherlands Innovation Agenda 

In addition, the East Netherlands has a finely-meshed structure of SME companies. Our knowledge institutions are literally at the heart of society. The strength of the East is that we are close to the users of healthcare: professionals, patients and residents. With the investment agenda for Prevention & MedTech, we contribute to two themes in the national mission-driven innovation policy, namely: health and agriculture, water & food.

Sustainable Development Goals

By linking our activities to the missions, the link with the Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and the Regieorgaan SIA is also guaranteed, especially for the activities in the domain of Applied Technical Sciences (TTW). There is also a strong link with ZonMW and Prevention & MedTech is an addition to the National Prevention Agreement, which currently pays no attention to innovation.

The East Netherlands Innovation Agenda  

In addition, the East Netherlands has a finely-meshed structure of SME companies. Our knowledge institutions are literally at the heart of society. The strength of the East is that we are close to the users of healthcare: professionals, patients and residents. With the investment agenda for Prevention & MedTech, we contribute to two themes in the national mission-driven innovation policy, namely: health and agriculture, water & food.

By linking our activities to the missions, the link with the Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and the Regieorgaan SIA is also guaranteed, especially for the activities in the domain of Applied Technical Sciences (TTW). There is also a strong link with ZonMW and Prevention & MedTech is an addition to the National Prevention Agreement, which currently pays no attention to innovation. 

"East Netherlands has a finely-meshed structure of SME companies"

"East Netherlands has a finely-meshed structure of SME companies"